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That MovieMakers Documentary

MovieMakers, who have previously brought forth the educational films Amazing Map, Amazing Math (yet to be published), and the hysterical skit Pinata: Life of Brokenness have embarked on a new journey, this time to create a documentary. A documentary about entrepreneurial stay-at-home dads. To quote Greg Lammiman, the brainfather of this project:

…Christian Homeschool Dads who are home entrepreneurs – dads who have found a way to be at home with their business and who disciple their children as they engage in their careers. …inspire homeschool fathers to seek to be more actively involved in discipling their children by being with them throughout the day, rather than being at a job and leaving it to mom. …feature families from a variety of circumstances – locations, careers and ages of children.

Another, shorter way to put it is from Dallas Lammiman, his son:

A documentary about entrepreneur fathers who work from home in order to spend more time with their families. We want to focus on how their families work together and benefit as a result.

Although currently unnamed, filming is expected to start soon, and updates, located on this blog or the Facebook page, will be readily available.

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