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Edit of “Entrusted With Arrows”

We forgot to tell you that last week we got our edit down to 57 minutes! Exciting! (For us anyway :0) ) This took a lot of prayer and thought, as our “interviewees” gave us such wonderful material to work with. The difficulty was deciding what NOT to use. Very difficult! It’s a rather unique link we have built with each person we interviewed, as we daily watch and listen to what they had to say as we edit. It is painful each time we have to hit the delete button! We have decided that because there is so much helpful material, and that no audience wants to watch a three hour documentary, that in our special features we will have a mini-documentary for each family. Unfortunately, we are not able to use the children’s interviews in the main feature – we’re sad about that! But we will include them in the special features mini-docs. I feel badly when we have someone do an interview, then we don’t use it. It feels disrespectful to what they had to say. Hopefully people will watch the mini-docs and benefit from the wisdom and experience these people have to share!

We now well on our way to inserting “B-roll” over the interviews. Dallas has created a new “Documentary Snapshot” that has a bit of a different look than it did in November. This due to the new B-roll and the narration placeholders. (We have a still shot of our location covering a rough reading of each narration sequence.) Compare to November 23. Dallas says to tell you that if this one looks longer, it’s because it has a more frequent frame capture.
